Blue dancers

18 Blue Dancers

Monoprints on paper
65×50 cm, 2023

Miriam the prophetess, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine, and all the women followed her with tambourines, dancing.

Dancing plays an important role in every culture, often as a part of religious ritual.
I was inspired by Indian art and certain similarities it has with European art, in this case with medieval book’s illustrations.
Number 18 is a sacred number in Buddhism and Hinduism as well as in Kabbalah where it means Chai – Life.

12 Dancers

Monoprints, collage on recycled textile
54×54 cm, 2023

I often use textile for printing and for collage. Recycled material like bed sheets with patrons sometimes give an unexpected result when combined with printing.

18 Blue Dancers

12 dancers